wearable compuing that you don’t actually wear

According to my sources, in a few years every single person on the planet will have Google glass, Google fiber, Android Phones with Google services, and most importantly: smart watches.

Now, I don’t like watches, I am not used to wearing them, they itch, the’re cold, and I have scares on my wrist. All around it’s not the most pleasant thing for me. Luckly proto-hipsters and the past have the solution for me. Pocket Watches 😀

So, what would the pocket watch equivalent of a smart watch be? Just like some smaller phone kind of thing, right?



What you see there is The Puck (which is also the name of a 2.5 star restaurant in Salt Lack City, which is kinda depressing). AAAAaaany way, it’s as wide as the Nexus 5 and follows the golden ratio (hooray for not having to over think dimensions, thanks ancient Greece!). In the beautiful simplicity it has 4 features:

  1. Touch screen- for touching.
  2. Chain loop- remember when people had charms on their cellphones? Well, since having crazy chains seems to be a status symbol for pocket watches I added something equivalent for the modern age.
  3. A button- for unlocking and things.
  4. Micro USB- Charge it up (also, surprisingly ugly when you try and take a screen shot, and my rendering is still broken 😥 )

How do I connect things too it? like my phone? Bluetooth Low Energy. It’s pretty much a no nonsense version of the samsung smart watch. No cameras, no weird heart beat things. Grab it and look at the time, read some emails, put canned responses to messages you receive. You know.

2 thoughts on “wearable compuing that you don’t actually wear

  1. akiva

    Nice concept. As someone who has used a pocket watch in the past I would like to recommend a few things. A curved back feels much nicer in the hand for something of that size. Tiny touch screens mean that fingers block the screen so you may want to look in to some interesting UI to deal with that. Because there is a chain anyway it might be interesting if the chair had some sort of interface as well. For example a vibrating motor, LEDs or buttons. That way you could get some very basic functions just but placing your hand on the chain.


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